What is the best? or is there a best??
Many guys and girls in the gym ask me what is the best exercise for chest, biceps, gluts or any muscle group that they want to focus on. I strongly believe that there is not only one exercise for a specific muscle group and that you have to focus on more than one exercise for a muscle group! Yes you do get that one exercise that works better for your body in some ways but it still is not going to give you the full muscular training development that a full program is going to give you. Play around with more than one exercise on a specific muscle group until you find what exercises works best on that muscle group. From my point of view I would say never just use the same exercise day in and day out and rather start focusing on getting that muscle group bigger, faster
stronger by testing the waters and using variation.
Hope this helps and please feel free to contact me at any time.
Stay strong, Temple Training.